Did you know??Coca-Cola was first shipped in used whiskey kegs and barrels, but they were painted red to give them a distinctive mark. The color red has been associated with the product ever since.
Did you know??It took 58 years--until 1944--to sell the first billion gallons of Coca-Cola syrup. Today, that billion gallon mark falls approximately every 7-1/2 months!
Did you know??Coca-Cola trucks travel over 1,000,000 miles a day to supply consumers with soft drinks!
Did you know??If all the vending machines in the United States were stacked one on top another, the pile would be over 450 MILES high!
Did you know??Cuba and Panama were the first two countries to bottle Coca-Cola outside of the U.S.
Did you know??The consumption of Coca-Cola Classic in the U.S. exceeds each of the following: bottled water, juices, powdered drinks, wine and distilled spirits.